
Abbas Ismail

Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Computer Vision


About Me

I am a final year undergraduate in Computer Science at Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra. I am broadly interested in Machine Learning, Deep learning and its applications in Computer Vision. Currently, I am working as an Research Engineer at OpenMined, a privacy-preserving deep learning library, where I am building two new Split Neural Network architectures for vertically partitioned data. Also, I have been currently working on the task of solving differential equation (ordinary, partial, as well as irregular equations) through deep learning. Apart from this, I spend my free time usually reading quantum mechanics theories.



Research Engineer

Working on Integration of Split Neural Network architectures for vertically partitioned data. Proposed and building two new Split Neural Network architectures, for enabling training of neural networks without data sharing among the owners.

Flutura Decision Sciences and Analytics

Data Science Intern

Developed and Object Detection model using for detecting face masks. Integrated it into Crebra Vision platform.

Edutech Analytics Lab

Deep Learning Intern

Developed an deep learning model which predicts intensity of cyclone through satellite images.


PC Security System

Real time security system which notifies admin throuag a text message if someone unauthorized is accesing your PC. Used PyTorch and OpenCV for real time face recognition. Used Twilio API for sending text meassage to admin's mobile.

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Compact Neural Network

Creates any type of Neural Network as per the given input parameters. Creates an interface in IPython Notebooks for easy input of parameters. Technology used: Tensorflow , IPython Widget,Numpy , Matplotlib.

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Neural Quality Enhancer

Enhances quality of image and video with Encoder-Decoder Neural Network

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Differential Equation Solver using Deep Learning

Solves Ordinary, Partial and Irregular differential equation using artificial neural networks.




Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra

2017 - 2021

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

CGPA ( upto VI semester ): 7.31

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